KODE5 AI Lessons
Grade Level: K-5
Kode5 courses let K-5 teachers with no experience, training, prep time or budget bring computer science learning to their classroom. These courses assume no experience or pre-requisite. Any child or teacher in the designated grade ranges will enjoy and learn from these courses.
20 Questions: Exploring Feature Vectors
Grade Level: 3-5
In this lesson, students will consider how computers make sense of information using numerical representation and how relationships can be formed between the features of an object and its similarity to other features of a separate object. Using everyday materials such as marker, pencils and pens, students will mimic how computers use feature vectors to classify and sort something or someone in different groups by assigning a data value.
Guess Who
Grade Level: 6-8
Using the Guess Who board game, students modify the game to reduce bias and then experiment with algorithms to find the hidden character.
Natural Interaction with Facial Expressions
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12
Students will explore Natural Interaction as a concept and then use an online platform to train an AI to recognize different expressions. Could be adapted down to Elementary aged students, but as is will work for Middle and High School students.
Outsmarting Artificial Intelligence: A Primer
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12
Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is changing our world. This three-part primer provides a foundational overview on the benefits and pitfalls of A.I., including activities and real-life examples to explore machine learning and natural language processing.
Art? or Algorithm?
Grade Level: 9-12
In this lesson students will explore some different AI online tools for creating art. Students will also debate and define what art is and who or what is capable of creating art. Finally students will explore ethical and legal issues with AI created/generated art in regards to intellectual property and copyright.
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Unit Plan
Grade Level: 9-12
Ethics and AI is a blueprint for a 4 week exploration of moral philosophy (ethics) and the application of ethics to artificially intelligent technologies. The unit is divided into two two-week sections; in the first section students will learn about different ethical frameworks and more “big picture” ideas, and in the second students will be examining AI technologies through an ethical lens.
Farm Beats for Students
Grade Level: 9-12
Today’s farms are beginning to look a lot more like smart cities. Growers are using modern techniques like sensors, computer vision, and artificial intelligence to acquire a more complete view of their crops. These methods help them make better decisions, discover inefficiencies, and unlock new insights into improving food production. The FarmBeats for Students program brings these modern tools into the hands of today’s learners.
Mad Science! Comparing AI Creators in Science Fiction
Grade Level: 12
Designed to be used in English 12 (British Literature), in this lesson students will examine and compare two creators of artificial intelligence from fiction: Victor Frankenstein and Dr. Daystrom (from a 1968 Star Trek episode)